News & Results

RATS 2024

Results Primary_School_Sport

Rain held off for the RATS duathlon held at Waipa Mountain Bike Park, Tuesday 26 March 2024. Approximately 525 students - Year 3 to Year 8 from 17 schools within Rotorua attended the event. Lynmore Primary school took the honors again this year for having the most students in attendance with 193 and Mokoia Intermediate taking the trophy home again for the Year 7 & 8 having entered 73 students.
Grant Utteridge and his team from RATS did an amazing job setting up the course, volunteering as marshals and supporting our schools and students throughout the day. Well, done team!

Results as follows:

Boys Short course Year 3-4
3rd = Cambell Shaw - Westbrook
2nd= Gareth McHale - Waikite
1st= Issac Reynolds - Otonga

Girls Short course Year 3-4
3rd= Payton Mcdonald - Lynmore
2nd = Tara Murphy - Lynmore
1st - Aiya Cameron - Otonga

Boys Short course Year 5-6
3rd = Mikaere MacDonald - Lynmore
2nd = Jonty Barbour - Lynmore
1st = Carter Smith - Otonga

Girls Shorts Course Year 5-6
3rd = Gracie Bradley - Lynmore
2nd= Izzy Bradcock - Lynmore
1st= Roni Makiha - Westbrook

Boys Long Course Year 5-6
3rd = Nixon Hubbard - Rotoru Primary
2nd - Eli Cyca - Otonga
1st = Archie Hill - Lynmore

Girls Long Course Year 5-6
3rd = Freya Porthouse - Westbrook
2nd - Frida Hamilton - Lynmore
1st = Carrisa Billing - Otonga

Boys Long Course Year 7-8
3rd = Fraser Barclay - Mokoia
2nd - Jasper Leuchs - Mokoia
1st - Matthew Wallace - Mokoia

Girls Long Course Year 7-8
3rd = Ellie Smith - Mokoia
2nd = Hellen Marshment - JPC
1st = Grace Fry - Mokoia



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