News & Results

Co-design a knockout for Rotorua rangatahi

News Secondary_School_Sport

Sport Bay of Plenty have recently undergone a co-design project at John Paul College in Rotorua as part of our Active Young People Team’s ongoing work to improve sport and activity options for rangatahi.

Sport BOP Central Bay Recreation Connector, Lizzy Gaston, led the mahi, which was driven by data and insights from a ‘Voice of Rangatahi’ secondary school student survey in 2021.

Insights from the survey show rangatahi in the region wanted a say in deciding the physical activity opportunities on offer at their school. Some of the desired activities were not regularly on offer, highlighting a potential need for co-design and rangatahi-led decision making when it comes to activities provided.

From concept to completion, Lizzy helped throughout the process, resulting in the delivery of a boxing class at the school.

Sport BOP have produced the accompanying video, in partnership with Sport NZ, to highlight the process and the impact it had.

Interested in learning about our Voice of Rangatahi Survey and other Insights? Follow the link below for more.


Full-Length Video



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