News & Results

The right time for Green Prescription


Faced with a family history of high blood pressure and heart disease, Stacy Longbottom knew it was time to make a change.

Earlier this year we caught up with Stacey to find out more about her journey in the Green Prescription healthy lifestyle programme.

For over a year I noticed that my blood pressure was sitting on the higher side of normal. It is well known throughout my family that genetics there are recurring issues with high blood pressure and heart disease. Having seen other members of my family with health issues in later life, I knew I needed to make a change for myself and my whanau.

At the beginning of my journey my goals were to eat healthily and lose weight, which I have achieved, and is ongoing. My pre-weight was 85kgs and now I weigh 75kgs.

My eating has changed dramatically, low carbs, low sugar, and smaller position sizes. This, coupled with regular exercise, has made it possible to reach my goals.

"Being healthy for my family keeps me going"
- Stacey Longbottom, Green Prescription client

Stacey Longbottom

I see physical changes in my body. I can fit into clothes I couldn’t before my journey. I have seen my fitness level grow from strength-to-strength. My motivation and energy levels are much more consistent. The biggest change I have seen is with me being more physically active which helps my family to be active also. As a whanau we now play indoor netball, regularly walk, and run.

After only two weeks I could see and feel the benefits of changing my unhealthy lifestyle. I stay motivated now that I “know” how beneficial a healthy and balanced lifestyle is. Another motivator is being as healthy as I can for my family.

I found out about Green Prescription through the Fairy Springs Medical Centre. Verina went over exercise options and took me to Profiles Gym, where I now attend classes at least twice a week. She has also kept in regular contact to see how I am going, and to offer any workshops that might be helpful.

Stacey's tips for others

  • My tips would be to just do it!
  • Get rid of the excuses!
  • No matter how busy you are you can do it!
  • Find what works for you.
  • No one else is going to look after you except for you.

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